
Monday, February 28, 2011

Shop Riding News

For those of you keen to dust off the roadie and stretch their shaven legs, we will be setting off tomorrow (Wednesday) morning for a shop Road Ride.
Departing at 6:30am from MMHQ and heading to Kew Boulevard for a couple of laps, we will be aiming to get back to the East Brunswick Project cafe for Padre Coffee @ 8am.

In an additional blow to the hairy leggers, further rain over the weekend and the already degraded state of the trails has left us no option but to bin the Wednesday night shop ride.

And on that note, we're eager to hear your ideas on how/whether we should re-structure the shop rides as we've not had a lot of luck this Summer.
So, perhaps;

- A different location?
- Another night of the week?
- Morning rides?
- Weekend rides?

What are your thoughts on the My Mountain shop rides?


  1. Please don't stop them! Evening is good - preferably Monday-Wednesday. How about moving venue to Westerfolds - trails a bit drier there?

    More weekend rides out of Melbourne would be awesome...

  2. Thanks for the feedback!

    Westerfolds would be ideal, due to the drier terrain out there. Our only problem is getting out there after work hours, which leaves us a little vunerable to peak traffic.

    However, given daylight savings are about to kick in and we'll need night lights anyway, what if we were to make the ride around 7 or 8pm on a Tues/Wed evening that meets at Westerfolds?

  3. Hi Guys - I would certainly be up for weekly Wed night rides at 7.30 or so.
    I have been doing just that in the UK with a group - as long as we finish at a watering hole!
