
Friday, January 6, 2012

Like many cyclist, Christmas for me means much more than family, presents, and eating too much.  It means a whole week of epic rides in a place devoid of traffic lights, and hoards of people.  For me that place is Mt Beauty, my home away from home.  I love it's small town feel, it's great mountain bike park, and it's epic road rides and see myself going there for many years to come.  It re-charges my batteries, and clears the head, and was again the base-camp of yet another great year of Christmas riding. 
Like every year, I got out for some great rides on my favourite mountain bike, but for Christmas 2011 the highlight wasn't going to be off-road adventures, but instead an epic battle up the infamous Mt Hotham climb.  Myself and Ben had discussed some of the more challenging days that can be had on the roadies up in the area with Mt Buffalo and the Omeo getting a mention, but it was agreed Mt Hotham was to be it.  The final stage of The Tour of Bright, and the hill responsible for breaking many an accomplished rider.   Not one to be into statistics, it's probably worth putting them on the table, although I don't think the numbers do it justice as Mt Hotham can only be described as....a monster. 

Total Distance:
30.35km | 18.86mi
Starting Altitude:

510m | 1,673ft

Finishing Altitude:

1,821m | 5,974ft

Average Gradient: 4.7%

Elevation Gain: 

1,415m | 4,642ft

Having been a keen cyclist for many years now there isn't to much that phases me, and I tend to think I'm capable of most things on a bike, especially a road bike.  But I would have to be honest and admit that Mt Hotham almost had me beat before I even started.  A drive up the mountain three days before made sure I was fully away of the torture ahead , and had me wigging-out for two days before the epic accent.  So much so, that on the ride from Mt Beauty over Towanga gap and onto Harrietville had me stressing out.  My legs felt tired, I wasn't comfortable on the bike, I was hungry, and I didn't think I had enough food... The panic ensued.  I would like to think that these problems were in fact very real, but I know I had just been psyched out by the silent giant.  The famous "Meg" where the road turns a corner and pitches up to a steepness that instantly has you in the hurt-box, and of course CRB hill that hits you after 22K's of the climb.  An evil little pitch that at 10% takes any last fight your legs may have had.  And you still aren't at the top at this point. These are all the things that were running through my head as I rolled into Harrietville, before we had even started.  Never before have I been so intimidated by a simple road climb.
And after actually climbing the beast I can confirm that all my worries and concerns were totally justified.  Mt Hotham is a big, tough hill, and should be respected as such.  But I'll be back, and next time I'm going to smash it....maybe?  

Thankfully I wasn't on my own for this battle of gravity, Ben and Scott were with me suffering just as much.  There is something quite comforting in the knowledge that others are suffering with you and you aren't the only crazy fool on the hill. 

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