
Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Increase your strength and fitness with Spin

There are a lot riders in the My Mountain community that ask us about training, nutrition and fitness.  Training is a favourite subject of mine and a subject that I love discussing with others to help out where I can, but I thought it time to lift the Vail on my super secret squirrel training program. Or "SSSTP" as I will call it.

Like many of you I find that I have far less time that I would like for riding and when I do go riding I prefer the feeling of being strong, fit and confident on the bike.  A conundrum yes!  There is a way. 
With help from Sam at a few of the staff at My Mountain have implimented a SSSTP and have taken their fitness to a whole new level while spending less time on the bike.  Yes that's right, more fitness, less time. Without breaking this down to a super technical physiological discussion, what Sam does at the Spin Room is push you to ride at and above your threshold, what ever that may be.  Sounds simple but very few people can achieve this by just heading out for a plain old ride.  It really takes someone as enthusiastic, encouraging and passionate as Sam as well as a whole room of like minded people to get it done properly.

I can hear the groaning right now :-).  I don't like spin rooms, I prefer to get out side, cheesy music etc etc and I completely agree.  But if you want to be able to hit the road or trails on a weekend and ride faster, longer and more aggressive than ever before Spin is the way forward.  One aspect to the Spin Room that impresses us the most is Sam's ability to work a class for everyone.  From national level road riders to  working Mums that enjoy bike path riding can head in for the same session and come out feeling like they have had a full work over. And the vibe is amazing.  Everyone at the Spin Room rocks! No attitudes, no ego's, just a great bunch of bike nuts listening to some pumping tunes and Sam's excited interval calls.

Sam provides just about every known type of pedal  as well as the occasional espresso to kick start the mornings so there really are no excuses. Also for those lucky enough to be able to use The Spin Room, check out the timetable and rock up to a class that suits. Mention My Mountain and Sam will give you your first couple of classes free.  You wont regret it.  Just ask Mark, Ben, or Wil at My Mountain if you have any questions.

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