Back in 2007 when the idea of My Mountain hit the streets the general consensus amongst the cycle industry wasn't very positive. Apart from some great people we were offered very little in the way of help or encouragement. But we ignored the critics and went ahead anyway.
From the outside not much has changed really. Have added a bit of a slogan to better explain the name for those who struggle with the metaphor and added our major brands to the side in case it's confusing that we're a bike shop :-)

Although we do have a lot more going on in the front room, I am still amazed that new customers are unaware that there is much more in the back. Time and time again we are told we should put up a sign........... never, never I say.
Looking back at this shot we were definitely light on in the bike department when we opened.
Moving our chill out area was probably one of the best changes we have made to the layout since opening. At $60 from out local charity shop they represent the best value for money investment we have ever made.
How inviting does that little lounge area look!
Scott was instrumental in the setup of My Mountain moving down from Sydney around three months before we opened to help get it off the ground.
After spending a couple of years running MM at the start he moved on to take up a Account managers role with Apollo and has been kicking goals ever since.
Wow, what a difference a bike fitting area, a few forks and a bunch of components can make!
It's funny when I look at how we had three different styles of ladies jersey then the MM jersey out on it's own. I think we might still have one of those non MM jerseys kicking around. Turns out we couldn't and still can't sell non MM clothing....funny.
Tools anyone??
When we opened we didn't have a single wheelset in stock. In fact from memory I don't think we had any for the first 18 months or so. We started out with a half descent range of tyres though. Or at least that is what we thought at the time.
As you can see we really have come a long way and to all of you out there who have been with us from the start, Thank You! Thanks for giving us feedback on what you would like to see and thanks for supporting us when there are soooo many bike shop options here in Melbourne.
But like always we have lots of plans for small improvements here and there and welcome any one's ideas on how we might improve.
Crusty Mark
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